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Tired Mama resting in hand, bronze on silk pillow
Slowly untwisting my limbs and mind from mainly caring for the carnal creations, what commonly is known as motherhood (click for a mother-themed playlist).
Examining then/present thoughts:
Loving and nurturing (24/7 that motherhood entails) is exciting/exhausting and the previous ways of creating creatively, as an artist, change.
What happens when the belief in value and the transformative energy: money versus action, is highlighted and objections are raised to questions within the obvious ranks? With Motherly things, like making time for love by being present, or clearing/calming the space by cleaning – tasks obvious and most taken for granted.
Since I became a mother my world became miniature as my heart grew and I most of all noticed the effect of that grey matter that had mass destruct it self away during pregnancy in order to re sculpture my brain and shape new interests.
My creative making has since motherhood mainly been focused in writing and research. Lately on social contexts of various local cultures (questions on the social construction vs constrictions in motherhood within the arts, the artists terms etc.) generally summoned humanity and behavioural norms.
Social experiments projects fascinates me and directing micro constructions as new or other foundations to step on.
Viewing other angles of a spectrum in whatever context at hand.
Trained to form material into shapes to communicate or create of desire, untrained in most other things. However I trust as always the new special interest will further guide along to next episode of that intense focus that I call work.